MRCG News & Announcements

Save the Date: Virtual Special Collections Conservation Care class and LSTA Grant Opportunity
The State Library of Ohio is pleased to be working again with the Ohio Preservation Council (OPC) on a Special Collections Conservation Care class. This professional development opportunity will take place virtually through pre-recorded talks that attendees will move through self-directed, between the dates of June 2nd and June 23rd.

Ohio Preservation Council (OPC) is pleased to announce its 2021 Mini Grant!
Are you looking to join a professional organization such as the American Institute for Conservation or the Society of American Archivists? Have you been eyeing one of the many professional development webinars or conferences to build your skillset being offered but it’s not in your budget? Well then, apply for one of the OPC mini-grants and take your profession to the next level.

Ceramics and glass workshop announcement (Chicago)
Learn about the materials science of ceramics and glass and gain understanding in loss compensation, cleaning methods, and adhesives used for these materials. Participants will engage in a series of lectures and increase skills through practical lab work in each of these areas.

Job Listing Policy Change: Salary Information Required
MRCG is pleased to be able to share listings for conservation-related positions to benefit our conservation community. We accept job and internship postings that are relevant to our members, and we do not charge a listing fee.
The MRCG officers have recently added a new requirement: all job and internship listings must include information on the monetary compensation (salary range, stipend amount, or hourly wages) and benefits associated with the position.