MRCG News & Announcements

Beloit College Center for Collections Care now accepting scholarship applications
The Center for Collections Care is pleased to share that we are now accepting scholarship applications for the 2023 season. $250 for online courses and $650 for in-person courses. Scholarships have been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy Demands Wisdom.

Sarah Casto Joins the Ohio State University Libraries
We are happy to announce that Sarah Casto has accepted the Photograph and Paper Conservator position at the Ohio State University Libraries.
Sarah will be responsible for performing conservation treatments of photographic materials and works on paper in support of the stewardship of special collections. She will coordinate the preparation of rare and special collections materials for digitization, supervise staff and students and advise on workflows and best practices for the Conservation unit.

2023 SERCA Annual Meeting – Hurricanes Hardly (?) Happen
Join us for the 2023 SERCA Annual Meeting in Macon, GA from March 10 to 12th, 2023!
Expanding on the preparedness topics covered in our last two virtual annual meetings, the 2023 Southeast Regional Conservation Association (SERCA) meeting will look at the challenges in conservation due to increasing natural disasters and climate change. Speaker Rebecca Kennedy of Curae Collections Care will discuss evacuations, establishing roles and priorities, and cover various scenarios that we may encounter in the Southeast. As part of the meeting, Rebecca will also lead a half-day recovery workshop and we will have an Angels Project at the meeting site.

Call for Editors and Contributors
Call for Editors and Contributors for Caring for Plant-Based Material Culture: A Conservation Handbook
Editors Lara Kaplan, Caitlin Mahony, and Ellen Carrlee seek chapter editors and content contributors for a new handbook on the care and conservation of plant-based material culture to be published by Routledge. Chapter editors will have oversight of one or more chapters and will be responsible for providing, soliciting, and organizing content as needed. Content can include entire chapters or shorter submissions, such as case studies or interviews. All voices and expertise are welcomed, and we are actively pursuing funding to support honoraria.

Call for Papers: 2023 Midwest Art History Society Conference
The 2023 Midwest Art History Society Conference is calling for papers related to the session "Art Conservation: The Intersection of Science, Art and History". The 49th annual conference will be held March 30–April 1, 2023 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin along beautiful Lake Michigan.

William Anthony Conservation Lecture 2022
Yasmeen Khan “Growing with the Job: Reflections of a Career in Conservation”
Thursday, Nov. 3, at 6 p.m.-7 p.m.
After an unorthodox entry into the field of conservation, Yasmeen Khan moved between paper conservation and book conservation for many years. Originally from Pakistan, she completed internships in Germany and eventually moved to the United States where she began working as a conservator. Ms. Khan will illustrate the trajectory of her life and lessons learned with treatment highlights from her career.

Call for Survey Participants
Laura Elliff Cruz of the School for Advanced Research at the Indian Arts Research Center in New Mexico
We are excited to share a survey collecting data to determine the field need for an Indigenous Collections Care Guide and key statistics for target audiences. Please share this survey with your colleagues and contacts so we can better illustrate the industry's need for this Guide (and it is for an upcoming grant we are applying for to gather some basic statistics). It takes 3-5 minutes to complete.

Job opportunity at Northwestern University Library
The Conservation Technician is based in the Preservation Work Group, reports to the Chief Conservator, and has the primary responsibility of performing a broad range of conservation treatments as well as constructing or retrofitting housings for circulating and non-circulating library material.