MRCG News & Announcements

MRCG Membership Change Announcement
Our first-ever virtual vote in January had a response rate of over half our members. 91% voted "yes" to change our renewal date to September 1 of each year (See the results in the post!).
Moving forward, anyone with a 2022 membership will see their membership benefits extended until August 31, 2023.
(If you are unsure about your dues status, please see the 2023 Membership Directory so you can see if you are up-to-date on your dues and getting access to all our membership perks and members-only portal on the new website.)

Elections for MRCG Officers
MRCG will be holding elections for two positions at this year's symposium in Detroit: Vice President and Treasurer. If you are interested, or you know someone who would be a great candidate, we are currently accepting nominations. All terms are 2 years (beginning Jan. 2023 - ending Dec. 2024).

Working with Fire Professionals
The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries (CARLI) Preservation Committee would like to invite MRCG members to the virtual lecture "Working with Fire Professionals" on January 25, 2022, at 2-3 pm Central time.
Working with Fire Professionals is an introduction to what fire departments do with a special look at Fire Prevention activities.

New 2022 MRCG Board
Congratulations to our new president, Christina Bisulca; secretary, Jacinta Johnson; and news editor, Marissa Bartz. Also joining the board for a three-year term is a new position: webmaster, Rebecca Shindel.

2021 Conference Final Schedule Now Available
It can be viewed here. We look forward to seeing you in Indianapolis, virtually or in-person!

Historic Conservation Technician Job at the NY State Education Department
The New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) Office of Cultural Education is seeking candidates for a Historic Conservation Technician 2 position in the New York State Archives.

Ohio Preservation Council Professional Development Mini-Grant
Call for Applications – Are you seeking to join a professional organization or pursue continuing education opportunities but falling short when it comes to funding them?
If you answered yes, then the Ohio Preservation Council has the solution for you!

2021 Abstracts Now Available
We have our slate of conference talks and tips ready, and you can view them here!