MRCG News & Announcements

2024 MRCG Annual Meeting
MRCG is pleased to announce that the 2024 Fall Annual Meeting will be held in Columbus, Indiana. We are still in the process of gathering all the necessary data.The 2024 MRCG Annual Symposium will be held at Helen Haddad Hall all day on Friday, October 25 and until noon on Saturday, October 26. There will be an evening Welcome Reception with drinks and light bites from 5-7 PM at the Columbus Area Visitor’s Center on Friday, October 25. Following the business meeting on Saturday, October 26, there will be optional FREE tours of the historic Miller House & Garden as well as an Angel Project at the Bartholomew County Historical Society to help assess the condition of some beloved collection items. Please see the tentative schedule of events and sign up links for the Miller House & Garden tours and Angel Project within.

2023 MRCG Annual Meeting
MRCG is pleased to announce that the 2023 Annual Meeting will be held in Kansas City, Missouri on October 12-14, though our venue has changed. Our reception on the evening of October 12 and the main conference sessions on October 13-14 will be hosted at the National WWI Museum and Memorial. The October 12 pre-conference workshop on Bruker's BRAVO handheld Raman spectrometer will be held nearby at the University of Kansas. (Workshop registration now closed.)
We look forward to seeing you in Kansas City!

2023 MRCG Emerging Professionals Scholarship
The call for scholarship applications to attend the 2023 MRCG Annual Meeting is now closed.
If you are an early career collections care professional and are interested in attending the meeting, you are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Due to limited funding, the total award will cover the cost of registration and up to approximately $500 to assist with the additional cost of travel and accommodations.

2018 Annual Symposium Dates are Set!
The MRCG Annual Symposium will be held November 9th – 11th, 2018, in Saint Louis, Missouri.
Please keep an eye on your email and our website this spring as we announce details and deadlines for the call for papers and all other details of the meeting schedule.