A word from the President

To the MRCG Membership,I think I can speak for all of our members in extending our heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the Ad Hoc Disaster Task Force  (soon to be the MRCG Emergency Response Committee) whose members include Tom Edmondson, Mary Schafer, Shelley Paine, Suzanne Davis, and Paula Hobart for their work on the MRGC Rescue Your Treasures document. Their work began in response to the devastation left after a category five tornado ravaged Joplin, Missouri and the need to get basic information to people trying to reclaim the physical trappings of their lives. Working with the Red Cross, members of the committee developed an informational flyer for distribution to victims of natural disasters. It contains basic information on the retrieval and initial care of paper-based documents, art, and family mementos after a natural disaster.  I’m happy to report that the committee was able to get the final version of the document to the Red Cross and it is now in the hands of Red Cross workers on the ground in Moore, Oklahoma. I don’t remember a time when I was prouder to be a member of an organization. Your work will have a far reaching impact, and will provide meaningful information at a time when people need it the most.Once again, on behalf of the MRCG membership, congratulations on your success!Margaret ContompasisPresident, MRCG


IMA searching for Paintings Conservator


MRCG ad hoc Disaster Committee