Past Annual Meetings – 2018

Hotel Information

MRCG has a room block at the Moonrise Hotel, located a short drive from the Saint Louis Art Museum in the trendy Delmar Loop. These rooms are available for the following rates from Thursday November 8 until Sunday morning.

Rates (same for King or two Queens; we have some of each every night):
11/8: $139 plus tax (18.929%)
11/9: $169 plus tax
11/10: $169 plus tax

Valet parking is $17 per overnight. There is a St. Louis city public parking lot directly behind the hotel – it's free but very limited and available first come first served.

You may book a room in the block by any of the following 3 methods:

  1. Calling the hotel directly and ask for in house reservations at 314-721-1111 and asking for MRCG Group rate.

  2. Going to and filling in the appropriate reservation information on the left side of the opening screen. In the box labeled “Group Code” fill in your booking code, which is MRCG2018 , and the reservation will be made at your discounted rate.

  3. Emailing our reservations department at

Room Release Date: October 18, 2018

Guest rooms will be held until October 18, 2018. After that date, any reservations received will be subject to availability and may not be at the discounted group rate.

Block information can be found here: